Friday, November 11, 2005

Loose Lips

I certainly wouldn't say I actually enjoyed the curtailment of my liberty, but it was curious and interesting nevertheless. Upon my freedom, I recalled the little chat I'd had with myself, many times, over the many months. I vowed that, more than before, I'd take great care with whom I trusted. Never again would I idly mention what I'd been thinking to just anyone. A bit sad, that restriction, but not so restrictive as incarceration had been. Yes, I'll have to mind what I speak aloud. Though only thoughts, after all, and I never would have expected to be taken to task for them, once out, words can condemn, as I discovered. Why hearsay should be weighted so, I cannot grasp. But, there it is, there I was, and now, I must make adjustments.

I'll have to spend more time looking about 'ere I speak and make a pledge to write only in secret. When fairly on the road, perhaps then I might be freer to say my mind, far enough from my usual treads so as not to be recognized or remembered. Hmm, what about diguises? What if I were to appear as old as possible? Or dress quite dashingly so as to have strangers looking at me approvingly but paying less attention to my words, or even shed sight of me for seeming vain and not tarrying to listen to what I might say?

No, I really should just learn not to speak without knowing who might be having a listen. I'll spend more time thinking silently or reading, and share no more than a smile or the tip of my hat with others who may appear next to me on the bench or trolley seat. But really, what are the chances? What ARE the chances, that a friend of the fellow from whom my niece had received a proposal so very ungraciously should be the very person to whom I'd jokingly comment that the girl should be whipped and then she turns up exactly in that condition such that her suitor is called to court, his friend defends him with my words, and their barrister makes it out as though it was I who'd delivered the chit's bruises? I'd sooner see those two blokes catch a trundle under hoof and--- Did I say that aloud? Blast! I hope they do not meet with such injury, else I'm liable to end up in the gaol again!


At 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Dennis went to the next meeting, and liked it very much.. Personally, he rather admired Ellsworth. The intimacy, the hand resting upon the knee, refers to a quite different connection and to quite other persons.. He woke and gazed upon her blankly.. I don't know how well he knows his own business, Major, I said as I started again for Brede's end of the veranda.. Behind the bells was the squire in his sleigh drawn by his fastest stepper, and he was alone, as the deacon was not.. Oh, if it's so easy, why didn't you do it yourself? he groaned.. Duel from opera of Midshipman Easy.. The blow caught Gideon squarely in the mouth, and with such force that he staggered back, astonished, while the girl took wildly to her heels.. The pretty daughter had been looking at the picturesque inn between the heads of this lady and her son. [1] Freud, Three Contributions to Sexual Theory, translated by A.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, sitting bolt upright.. Humor at every turn there is, and sentiment and philosophy and surprise.. Nobody knew how it came about; but when the Flukers had been in town somewhere between two and three months, Sim Marchman, who (to use his own words) had never bothered her a great deal with his visits, began to suspect that what few he made were received by Marann lately with less cordiality than before; and so one day, knowing no better, in his awkward, straightforward country manners, he wanted to know the reason why.. You have burlesqued my person, grossly betrayed my confidence, and misused my hospitality.. So back to town went Elder Brown, not in the order of the early morn, but silently, moodily, despairingly, surrounded by mental and actual gloom.. I don't see any particular joke in my having my maiden name.. She lifts up a trap in the floor, and there immediately appears a creature dressed in a brownish fur, which almost resembles a seal.. Then he falls into a silence which it seems quite profane to interrupt.. This observation shows: 1, That the influence of puberty may produce in a boy of delicate health a condition of extreme weakness, and that it may lead to a very marked cerebral anaemia...


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